Advertisements are among the most effective and efficient means of reaching out to potential customers. Choosing the right advertisement method that will enable the firm to reach out to the right demographic group of potential customers enables the firm to earn a diverse range of clients and hence achieving overtime profitability and firm sustainability. Company branding or specialization in a particular product enables clients to familiarize themselves with the firm’s production of this particular brand.
“Competitive advantage first language” refers to the ability of a firm to prioritize its product and its most branded products on the cover of their ads. This will enhance the extent to which the firm is able to overtime attain the attention of potential clients through advertisements. It is therefore important to evaluate the concept of “Competitive advantage first language”, and assert on the pros and cons as asserted in the article, “How to Use ‘Competitive Advantage First’ Language in Your Marketing”.
Product homogeneity
Competitive advantage first language enables firms to point out their outstanding differences with other firms that produce homogeneous products.
The modern digital advertising techniques require companies to point out the various specialities in their products for the purpose of attracting overtime demand. It is therefore essential for firms to have special brands of products in order to gain a competitive advantage over other firms.
Monopoly and competition
Only a few businesses in the modern world have achieved monopoly. Monopoly refers to the ability of a firm to produce a completely unique product and hence gain supernormal profits both in the long run and in the short run.
A large number of businesses compete perfectly with others which produce similar goods and products to their customers. This is an implication that the businesses should find various loopholes to fill in their competitor’s business outlines.
The ability by the businesses to efficiently cover the areas not covered by their competitors will ensure a competitive advantage and hence increased demand for the firm’s products and services.
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Consumer needs
Compliance to various consumer desires, needs and demands is another factor that increases a firm’s competitive advantage over the other firms both in the long run and in the short run. This is an implication that firms should carry out extensive market research in order to identify consumer needs and preferences.
The ability to meet these demands will enhance the firm’s product demand and hence ensure overtime productivity and sustainability. This is also a form of competitive advantage first language that will promote the firm’s ability to gain profits over the other firms.
Advertisement language
The advertisement language also proves to be paramount towards the achievement of increased sales. Once a competitive advantage over other firms have been identified, it is essential that the firm explains the value of its products over the other firms’ in a clear and comprehensive language. This ability will enhance the consumer’s ability to conform to the company’s products and services.
The adverts should majorly focus on the value and easily capture the consumer’s eye. The first few lines of an advert need to capture the attention of the stipulated customers.
Online advertisement
Online platforms for marketing and advertisements such as Learndash also has an advantage on enabling firms to advertise more conveniently and hence assert on their products and the value of the products over the competitors and hence implying a competitive advantage in the first language for the firm in question.
Consistent advertisements and ability by firms to offer quality products enables them to get real followers and hence overtime competitive advantage and increased profits over other firms which produce homogeneous products.
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Case examples
For instance, AllBirds Company states the first line of their advert as “when life gets dirty, you need machine washable shoes” This has the implication of both the firm’s product and its value. The advert should therefore essentially define the key characteristics of a product and therefore lay essential knowledge on the consumers, pertaining to the composition and advantage of using the product in question. The Allbirds advert also postulates the value of its product by asserting on the ease to clean and the overall comfort.
Amazon advertises its online business through its logo by showing an arrow which then forms a smile and hence indicating the high levels of satisfaction that consumers will derive from consuming extra units of the firm’s products. This hence motivates the customers to shop with Amazon.
Pros of Competitive Advantage First:
1. Enhances branding
Competitive advantage in the first language enhances the extent to which a firm identifies itself with a particular product. This, in turn, enhances the ability of the consumers to familiarize themselves with this specific product from the company. This attracts the demand for this particular product both in the long run and in the short run, and hence enabling the firm to gain extensive profits from the overtime sale of this product.
This factor also enables the firm in question to effectively invest in the advertisement for this product and gain matching returns and profits from the increased number of customers.
For instance, Apple Company uses branding and brand imaging to attract more customers and gain a competitive advantage over android producing firms.
2. Value addition
Competitive advantage in the first language is also essential as it enables a firm to add value to its various products and brand the products in order to produce a mismatch between its products and those of the competitors and hence generating product diversity.
The ability of the firm to add value to these products enhances the ability of the customer to yield overtime satisfaction for these products and eventually conform to using them. This, therefore, has the advantage of raising the demand for the firm’s products and hence provision of increased firm productivity and sustainability.
3. Enhances the ability to meet customer needs
The aspect of competitive advantage first language will also enhance the extent to which firms are willing and ready to meet their customer needs and demands. This, therefore, has the impact of generating increased satisfaction and hence consumer welfare.
Since economic growth is determined both by the income and welfare of the people, competitive advantage in the first language works to generate increased economic growth for the nations within which the firm sells its products.
Cons of “Competitive Advantage First”
1. Advertisement costs
Although competitive advantage in first language yield to a numerous number of organizational benefits, the aspect also generates various disadvantages. Firstly, due to increased specialization and product branding, the firm needs to incur various costs associated with advertisements. The costs may be incurred both in the long run and in the short run, while the profits are only yielded in the long run. This will, therefore, generate a loss of company welfare in the short run.
2. Adverts depend on the number of clicks
Also, the adverts that assert on a firm’s competitive advantage in the first language largely rely on the number of views and clicks, especially when the adverts are done on social media among other web pages. Also, television adverts may not reach the stipulated demographic population which implies that the adverts may not achieve anticipated results.
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Competitive advantage in the first language is a very important concept towards the achievement of overtime organizational productivity and sustainability. Also, it benefits the consumers as it enables them to acquire high quality and more differentiated goods to serve their special demands. However, this aspect largely depends on the extent to which a firm is able to efficiently market its products, and hence may incur extra costs.